Friday, January 22, 2010

Adventures in the Art World

I recently discovered a show titled Art Race on the Halogen station. Umm... that is channel 113 in my area on TimeWarner Cable. Anyway, the basic premise of this show is: two artists from opposite ends of the country, drop them off in each other's home state and they have to make there way home in 40 days with their art. They need to trade artwork for lodging, food, travel, the basic necessities. They have a full camera crew following them around though so they are never truly alone, but from what I have seen of this show so far it seems that the camera crew is really what is drawing attention to the artist but perhaps not. So they start off with a backpack full of art supplies, one dollar, and a map. Sounds pretty awesome right??

It kind of makes me wonder how far I could go on just my artwork. You never know right?? I am thinking of taking my own camcorder and backpack full of supplies and seeing how far I can get on just my art and personality. Realistically, when you are selling your art, you are essentially selling yourself. That can be hard if you don't have an adaptable personality. I think everyone has been in a situation that they had to act or behave in a certian way as to not offend or escalate a person/situation. I have been. So anyway, I'll keep you posted on the trip!

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